Business solutions ​for small and ​medium-sized ​businesses driven by ​mission alignment to ​their people, ​processes, and ​prosperity.


In mission alignment we seek to live our values through the many roles we play. We use this framework to assess professional opportunities, ensure we ​prioritize time for meaningful relationships, make high-stakes decisions, properly capitalize our dreams, and create communities with a higher degree of ​confidence that there is mutually aligned benefit. We seek to decrease wasted resources and increase available time and energy.

Individual Coaching

People wear a variety of ​hats in a given day ~ an ​entrepreneur, a leader, a ​mother/father, a spouse, a ​volunteer, etc.

Ensuring that we are on ​the right bus, and in the ​right seat is a very deep ​journey. Coaching ​provides the space to ​navigate this journey with ​intention and self ​accountability.

Group Facilitation

Lean into difficult ​conversations to decrease ​the time and energy to ​action and increase ​seeing successful ​outcomes. Group ​facilitation allows ​company leaders to be ​part of the solutions rather ​than focused on ​managing internal ​dynamics.

Stakeholder Strategy

Multi-stakeholder value ​drives amplified success. ​Employees, clients, board ​members and community ​leaders are your business. ​Share your mission, vision ​and values with your ​stakeholders in a way that ​resonates and gives them ​a call to action they can ​rally behind and share.

Capital Alignment

Mission aligned capital ​can be the greatest ​leveraging tool. Every ​dollar you take on will ​amplify your business in ​the right direction or easily ​take you off course. ​Ensure your investors, ​funders, bankers, and ​clients are aligned with ​your companies mission.

Vision and Values

Our vision is mission alignment for people and their businesses.

The world of work is being revolutionized with small and medium-sized ​businesses leading the way. Leverage mission-aligned relationships to ​amplify your quality of life and your business success.

Saluzo comes from Spanish ‘Salt + Light’ (sal + luz).

Salt - Be of service, be useful, be valuable, and of course add some flavor

Light - Bring positivity, truth, and energy

Joint Value Creation

In every relationship work to create value for all stakeholders. Single ​stakeholder value is a weak and unsustainable framework. Multi-stakeholder ​value creation makes the pie, and the slice bigger, so all may be better off.

Mission Aligned Decision Making

Defining your mission and values is important. but making decisions, and ​building networks, aligned with your mission and values is where amplified ​outcomes happen.

Videocast & Blog

Join us for authentic conversations with founders, ​leaders, educators, capital providers, and many more ​about the personal and professional journey to build ​mission-aligned villages.

The executive team is responsible for bringing industry expertise while ​working side by side with a client guided by the mission and values of Saluzo


Ja​mie Lujan


Highly experienced in ​entrepreneurship, business ​higher education and equ​ity work.​

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Deadline Concept with Red Mark on Calendar Date

Fr​ancisco Lujan

St​rategy & Capital

Multi-exit founder specializing ​in business strategy, ​operations ​and capital raise.

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Brian Payne

Growth & Operations

Founder specializing in ​stakeholder alignment, personal ​growth, strategic partnerships ​and operations.

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